Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Killer Frog Fungus

An outbreak of a frog killing fungus has spread to Japan and alarmed many nations in our world. There are five confirmed deaths in Japan from the fungal disease which has prompted environmental advocation and protection groups to declare a "State of Emergency." The declaration sent out by Nature Japan stated that the problem could worsen in upcoming weeks if the cause of the disease is not figured out and frogs are not quarantined.
In my opinion, the frogs need to be quarantined and more research needs to be done as to how the frogs caught the killer fungus and whether it can mutate and affect the health of humans.

1 comment:

alvinwriter said...

It's amazing how such a fungus plague had remained unaddressed for so long---long enough to kill countless frogs all over the world. Perhaps this should be taken as a wake up call to biologists and environmentalists in general. A big question is how did this fungus become so prolific?
